A few words...

That's a blog I made to post my stories and anything else I feel like posting! (Which means you might actually come across pictures of something I managed to cook instead of burning, or some joke I found particularly funny... Don't worry if you do, I didn't go mental. Maybe because I already sort of am!)

Take a look around, check out my stories, picking the category you like best and leave me your thoughts! Even a teeny tiny comment counts! Although I really like long comments!

I wanted to thank my wonderful beta, Wendy D, for putting up with me and editing my Twilight fan fics and original stories and for her support! I also wanna leave some love for some co-writers, readers and friends who always manage to distract me by chatting while I'm writing and I just love them for that! So, Lucia, Kenzie, Alexandria and Chloe, I love ya all tons!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Story Suggestions ~ Forevermore by Nihala

Synopsis: Meet Sean Cullen, the newest of the Cullens, one who hates living in Forks with them. He only lives with them because of a promise him and Carlisle made. The Cullens don't like him much either, but Carlisle is a man true to his word. Then one day, a letter arrives for Carlisle, addressed from none other than his old friends, Minerva McGonogall and Albus Dumbledore, requesting that the Cullens would be guardians for a young boy they have never heard of. A young boy named Harry Potter. Then all of a sudden, their lives change. Sean believes that he finally got the excitement he was wanting, the excitement that comes with being a vampire. He has no idea.

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Okay, so, first of all... I hardly ever read crossovers. I tried that a couple of times in the past... I get this sour funny expression and shake my head, wondering, "WHY?!" The reason for this is that usually, crossovers are not  the most successful kind of stories. It's not easy to pick two (or more - hell, I admire people who CAN do that!) worlds and just smack them against each other, dropping characters from one into the other. I am a detail person. Say a single thing about a world's mechanics wrong and I promise, you won't wake up the next morning to know it. Perfectionist when it comes to stories, that is me.

Anyway, before I get irreversibly off topic and start listing my criteria for a descent fan fiction instead of writing a review for Forevermore... *grins*

I have to admit, that Nihala is doing a great job so far, keeping me hooked and twisting the events in that kind of way that makes you think, "Well, it is possible, it's not the kind of god-not-once-in-a-million kind of scenarios!"

New vampires joining the Cullens... Tried that... I don't think it was one of the most successful attempts I've done. Sean has his own way of coping with living with the Cullens and the motives and reasons behind this unpleasant roof-sharing experience and hell, they were surprising to me. She really got me hooked for more!

Grammar and spelling are good, I know many of you value that *wink wink* and the plot unravels neatly so far. Although she has the "bad" habit of leaving me hanging in the end of each chapter.

*runs and hides*

Fine, fine, I'm not one to talk about cliffies and unanswered questions... *laughs*

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If you want to check out the story click here. Click here to get to Nihala's profile in FWAR.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Story Suggestions ~ Crisis by Equivamp

Synopsis: Juvenile delinquent Lillian Sinclair is sentenced to community service at a Teen Crisis Hotline. It’s the easiest time she’s ever served until a stranger reaches out. Everybody’s got secrets. What are his?

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Although I am going through an all-about-supernatural phase, I have to admit that this all human original story caught my eye. The chapters are short and easy to read. The plot revolves around an unfortunate teenager, Lillian, and of course her community service in the Teen Crisis Hotline. Her witty and sarcastic character will make you grin from ear to ear and wonder why the hell she got into so much trouble in the first place. If you're looking for some easy and quick reading landed on the earth plane, the real one, where no vampires, witches or any other sorts of magical creatures dwell, this is the story for you.

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To get to the story click here. To check out Equivamp's profile in FWAR click here.

Story Suggestions ~ The Honeymoon and the Road Not Taken by Obsessedtwibrarian (OTB)

Synopsis: Stephanie’s cut-away during the honeymoon left many of us extremely frustrated! What exactly happened from that touching moment in the bay until morning, when Bella woke up with feathers in her hair?  No honeymoon is completely perfect—especially when the two people involved have never done anything like this before, and especially when the couple is Bella and Edward, with all their unique problems. I really wanted to be right there with Edward as he experienced this for the first time. I wanted to know his innermost thoughts and feelings during his most intimate moments with Bella. I hope I treated their love with the respect and good taste that it deserved.

Synopsis: The road not taken represents what could have been.

A single choice can define the rest of our life. Bella saved one path for another day---Jacob, who was probably the better choice. And instead she chose the path less traveled by--a vampire...Edward, for whom she gives up her humanity.

Stephenie Meyer also had two choices--two roads she could have traveled. The one she chose had Bella and Edward's marriage starting off with deception. The Cullen family divided and pitted against each other over the pregnancy. Bella and Edward going through the most horrific birth and change imaginable. And Jacob imprinting on their child.

I'm choosing a different road. And THAT is what this story will explore. In keeping with the tone of the honeymoon, I choose to let Bella and Edward experience a uniquely different pregnancy, birth and change. And Jacob? Jacob is a special part of Bella's life. He HAS to be in this story. He'll have his happy ending. It's just going to be much different than SM's. I'm hoping you'll leave this story with a love for Jacob, if you didn't love him already.

And Bella and Edward? They will emerge from it all with a love stronger than ever.

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You may ask, why two stories together? Well, the answer is simple! The Road Not Taken is the Honeymoon's sequel. OTB had already written part of Twilight (a continuation of Midnight Sun if you want) in Edward's POV. The Honeymoon started as simply this specific part of Breaking Dawn through our beloved vampire's eyes. In the process though it took a different course. OTB was never too fond of Breaking Dawn and although I couldn't at first see why, I understand now. She decided to give the story a different turn and a plot that she thinks that is more fair towards the characters of the saga.

Through the Honeymoon she shows the first steps of Bella and Edward toward forever, how they cope with the idea of them finally being really together and dealing with issues any couple could be facing. Romance, humor and incredibly sweet scenes are scattered all over the story!

The Road Not Taken, as OTB points out in her summary, is a different version of Breaking Dawn. Especially people who believe that Jacob deserved a different ending than ending up imprinted with a half-vampire baby and the Volturi showing up, ready to fight but leaving without a single punch being thrown might appreciate the story even more. The story focuses on Bella as she goes through the pregnancy, the explanations of everything happening to her are clearer and well organized and the involvement of the packs is different as well.

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If you want to check the Honeymoon out, click here to get to the post. If you're looking for the link to the Road Not Taken, click here. The link to OTB's page in FWAR is here.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Story Suggestions ~ In Search of Forever by Obsessedtwibrarian (OTB)

Synopsis: Alice is young and alone in an insane asylum in Biloxi, Mississippi. An equally lonely vampire befriends her and tries to make her stay in the asylum more bearable. But he's a vampire with many secrets and a past that is quickly catching up with him.

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This is one of my very favorite Twilight fan fics. I - as some of you may have noticed - am a big lover of filling in the blanks. If there's something you can have me reading for days, that is background stories of characters. This must have been the reason I loved this story instantly. Alice, a beloved character of many Twilight fans, be included and her story as a human. I have scanned Twilight Lexicon for all the info I could get about her, which wasn't satisfying enough for someone like me.

This is exactly what the site was saying: 

Alice was held in a mental asylum because of her ability to have visions.  There she was the favorite of a vampire who worked in the building.  James, a hunter vampire, took the challenge of hunting her simply because another vampire desired her.  Once it was clear to him that James was after her, he, the vampire who worked in the asylum, freed Alice and changed her before James could kill her.  James killed the other vampire instead.  She had no memory of these events and was left to find her own way.

The demand for more wasn't unexpected. And this is exactly what OTB did. While sticking to canon facts, she is developing little Alice, giving her the characteristics which we meet her with in the Saga, while creating a completely new character, Morgan, the anonymous vampire who saved her back at the asylum.

It is a wonderfully written story, with a solid plot and a purpose; it is not the kind of story that begins but you dunno where the heck the author could be heading. It is carefully structured, well developed on all aspects. The hours of research required for each chapter to be written just give me further reason to admire it, as well as its creator. There is also a big collection of outtakes and one-shots related to it, filling in the few blanks the story is leaving.

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If you want to check it out, click here to get to the post. The link to OTB's page in FWAR is here.